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Files and media

Durable Content Authenticity

Immutable Audit Trails For Any Asset

DataTrails makes it easy to add explainabilty and transparency to your files using standards-based, open and interoperable methods.

If you’re looking to prevent misuse of your files or enable content authentication so others can check your files are safe and trustworthy, DataTrails is the easy way to add data integrity that lasts and can be instantly verified.

Download our white paper and learn how to create protection for your content, and proof for your customers.

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AI and software

Responsible AI

Deploying Artificial Intelligence Responsibly Through Transparency

AI adoption and digital transformation are driving forces in modern business. However, with this promise comes the responsibility to ensure that AI is trustworthy, transparent, and aligned with the goals of the businesses.

DataTrails addresses this challenge head-on by providing a platform that facilitates both trustworthy multi-party data exchange and provides auditability and explainability.

In this paper, we’ll explore how DataTrails’ provenance management platform plays a central role in achieving Responsible AI.

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Physical chain of custody

Trustworthy digital transformation

Underpinning digital transformation

Chain of Custody solutions require verifiable, chronological sequences of activities, persisted to a tamper-proof, immutable ledger. DataTrails provides the heavy lifting, associating the identity of operations with the actions and events of your workflow. Through standards based APIs, your development teams can focus on the unique values of your business, while assuring your data trails are secured.

Learn how DataTrails showed improvements in 55% of current process steps and reduction of information mismanagement by 90%. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is the UK authority for delivering safe, sustainable, solutions for nuclear waste management. Sellafield Ltd, controlled by the NDA, is the UK’s largest nuclear decommissioning site.

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